Environmental Assessment of Dam Removal: Implications for Sediment and Aquatic Vegetation

We analyzed the environmental impact of removing Atkisson Dam on the Otter Point Creek ecosystem, focusing on sediment dynamics, nutrient levels, and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV). Using fieldwork, satellite imagery, and Python-based data modeling, we identified risks like sediment overload and nutrient imbalances that could harm SAV. Our findings led to recommendations for a cautious, incremental dam removal process to minimize ecological damage while considering long-term habitat restoration.
The Atkisson Dam, an 82-year-old structure, is part of a freshwater ecosystem feeding into the Chesapeake Bay. Its proposed removal has sparked concerns about potential environmental impacts on Otter Point Creek (OPC), a protected National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR). OPC is ecologically significant, hosting diverse submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) that supports aquatic life, improves water quality, and stabilizes sediment. Dam removals often lead to sediment mobilization, nutrient overload, and changes in hydrology, which can harm SAV and downstream habitats. Our project aimed to assess the potential risks and impacts of this dam removal by analyzing sediment, water quality, and SAV health using fieldwork and computational tools.
Project Goal
o provide actionable insights for stakeholders, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and NERR, by: Evaluating sediment composition and nutrient dynamics upstream and downstream of the dam. Analyzing historical SAV abundance and correlating it with environmental variables (e.g., turbidity, chlorophyll-a, nutrients). Predicting the ecological consequences of sediment and nutrient release following the dam removal. Recommending strategies to mitigate adverse impacts during and after dam removal.
- 1. Fieldwork Soil Testing: Collected sediment samples at multiple locations around the dam and analyzed nutrient concentrations using MySoil test kits. Combustion Analysis: Measured organic material content in sediments to assess potential eutrophication risks.
- 2. Satellite Imagery Analysis Tools: Google Earth Engine, QGIS. Process: Used Landsat imagery from 2003–2023 to detect sediment buildup and mudflat expansion. Processed True Color and False Color composites to visualize changes in surface reflectance and sedimentation.
- 3. Nutrient and Water Quality Analysis Tools: Python (pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, statsmodels). Process: Correlated nutrient concentrations (e.g., nitrate, ammonium) with SAV growth. Performed time-lagged cross-correlation (CCF) and partial autocorrelation (PACF) analyses to model temporal relationships.
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# The following function uses Chlorophyll-A and SAV (HV) data from 2007-2017 to perform an partial autocorrelation analysis in order to determine the peak lag period in terms of correlation between SAV data and Chlorophyll-a data. There is also a function performing a pearson correlation coefficient analysis. Additionally, a cross-correlation analysis was performed to understand how time lags might have an influence in the change of SAVs over time. This function allows us to understand the correlation between Chlorophyll A concentrations in the OPC and SAV volume (HV) observed in surveys. Additionally, a time series analysis with a linear regression between Chlorophyll A concentration and SAV (HV) volume in order further confirm if the relationship observed is consistent across analyses. The information obtained from these analyses will help us understand if higher Chlorophyll A concentrations have negative effects on SAV volume. This is important information as it will help predict if the influx of nutrients that will added to the stream post-dam removal (through the dissolution of nutrients in sediment stored behind the dam) that is expected to increase algae volume (measured as Chlorophyll A) will negatively impact SAV volume.
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import statsmodels.tsa.stattools as smt
from statsmodels.graphics.tsaplots import plot_pacf
# This function generates a partial autocorrelation analysis for SAV and Chlorophyll-A data. Additionally, this function generates a figure for the partial autocorrelation analysis being performed.
def chlorophyll_sav_pacf_figure(cbmocnut_data_path, opc_data_path):
# Load the datasets
cbmocnut_data = pd.read_csv(cbmocnut_data_path)
opc_data = pd.read_csv(opc_data_path)
# Preprocess OPC Data
opc_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(opc_data['Date'])
opc_data_filtered = opc_data[['Date', 'HV']].dropna()
# Preprocess CBMOCNUT Data
cbmocnut_data['DateTimeStamp'] = pd.to_datetime(cbmocnut_data['DateTimeStamp'], format = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M')
cbmocnut_data['Date'] = cbmocnut_data['DateTimeStamp'].dt.date
cbmocnut_data_filtered = cbmocnut_data[['Date', 'CHLA_N']].dropna()
cbmocnut_data_filtered['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(cbmocnut_data_filtered['Date'])
# Merge the datasets on date
merged_data = pd.merge(opc_data_filtered, cbmocnut_data_filtered, on = 'Date', how = 'inner')
# Set figure size
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 6))
# Plot Chlorophyll A
label = 'Chlorophyll A',
# Plot HV
label = 'HV',
color = 'blue',
s = 10) # s is the marker size
plt.title('Chlorophyll A and HV Over Time')
# Plotting PACF for Chlorophyll A
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
plot_pacf(merged_data['CHLA_N'], ax=ax, lags=40, method='ywm')
plt.title('Partial Autocorrelation Function for Chlorophyll A')
# Save Plot Locally
plot = './resources/sav_vs_chlorophyll/pacf'
# Show Plot
# This function uses Chlorophyll A and SAV volume (HV) from 2007-2017 to perform a pearson correlation coefficient and a cross-correlation function analysis. This correlation analysis allows us to understand the relationship between Chlorophyll-A concentration and SAV (HV) volume over time observed in OPC surveys.
def chlorophyll_sav_correlation(cbmocnut_path, opc_data_path):
# Load the datasets
cbmocnut_df = pd.read_csv(cbmocnut_path)
opc_data_df = pd.read_csv(opc_data_path)
# Prepare the data for merging
cbmocnut_df['DateTimeStamp'] = pd.to_datetime(cbmocnut_df['DateTimeStamp'])
cbmocnut_df['Date'] = cbmocnut_df['DateTimeStamp'].dt.date
opc_data_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(opc_data_df['Date'])
# Ensure both 'Date' columns are of the same type
cbmocnut_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(cbmocnut_df['Date'])
# Merge the datasets based on the date
merged_df = pd.merge(opc_data_df, cbmocnut_df[['Date', 'CHLA_N']], on = 'Date', how = 'inner')
# Clean data
merged_df['HV'] = pd.to_numeric(merged_df['HV'], errors = 'coerce')
opc_data_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(opc_data_df['Date'], errors='coerce')
merged_df.dropna(subset = ['HV', 'CHLA_N'], inplace = True)
# Pearson correlation coefficient analysis
pearson = merged_df[['HV', 'CHLA_N']].corr()
# Cross-correlation analysis
cross_correlation = smt.ccf(merged_df['HV'], merged_df['CHLA_N'], adjusted = False)
return pearson, cross_correlation
# This function generates a figure for the cross-correlation analysis.
def chlorophyll_sav_cross_correlation_figure(cross_correlation, max_lags):
# Create figure and axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 5))
# Plot the cross-correlation values
lags = range(-max_lags, max_lags + 1)
ax.stem(lags, cross_correlation, use_line_collection = True)
# Highlight the zero line for reference
ax.axhline(0, color = 'black', linewidth = 0.8, linestyle = '--')
# Labeling
ax.set_title('Cross-Correlation Function')
ax.set_ylabel('Correlation Coefficient')
# Adding grid for easier visualization
# Save Plot Locally
plot = './resources/chlorophyll_cross_correlation/chlorophyll_sav_cross_correlation_figure.png'
# Show the plot
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
cmmocnut_path = './data/cbmocnut/cbmocnut.csv'
opc_data_path = './data/SAV/opc_data.csv'
pearson, cross_correlation = chlorophyll_sav_correlation(cmmocnut_path, opc_data_path)
max_lags = 1 # This uses the partial autocorrelation analysis results
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Uncomment below code to run
chlorophyll_sav_correlation(cmmocnut_path, opc_data_path) # Runs pearson + cross-correlation
chlorophyll_sav_cross_correlation_figure(cross_correlation, max_lags) # Generates pearson correlation coefficient figure
# chlorophyll_sav_cross_correlation_figure(cross_correlation, max_lags)(cross_correlation, max_lags) # Generates cross-correlation analysis figure
# chlorophyll_sav_pacf_figure(cmmocnut_path, opc_data_path) # Generates PACF figure
- 1. Sediment Composition High concentrations of ammonium, iron, and manganese exceeded EPA standards, posing risks to SAV growth. Combustion analysis revealed elevated organic material levels in sediments, increasing the risk of eutrophication.
- 2. Mudflat Expansion True and False Color imagery showed significant sediment buildup and mudflat expansion between 2003 and 2023, altering river morphology.
- 3. Nutrient and SAV Correlations Nitrate and nitrite were negatively correlated with SAV growth, indicating potential harm from nutrient overload. Chlorophyll-a had a nuanced relationship with SAV, suggesting a lagged positive response to increased concentrations.
Dissolved Nutrient Visualizations
MySoil Visualizations
Our analysis highlights the ecological risks associated with the Atkisson Dam removal: nutrient overload, sedimentation, and potential harm to SAV. To mitigate these impacts, we recommend an incremental dam removal process (Course of Action 3) to minimize sediment and nutrient release. Further monitoring of SAV and water quality is essential to adaptively manage and restore this ecosystem. This project underscores the importance of integrating fieldwork and programming for data-driven environmental decision-making.